The SENSE Theatre approach can be delivered as a stand-alone program across a several weeks or as a consolidated camp program.
To date, program is implemented as a 10-session model, which can be delivered as either a 10-week (1-day/week) model, 5-week (2-days/week) model or a camp model (5-days for 2 consecutive weeks).
The 10-Week model is based on a distributed practice model that extends the intervention over the course of several weeks. In general, the participants meet 1-day/week for approximately 4 hours per day. Traditionally, we have provided the treatment on Sunday afternoons, which then does not interfere with school or after-school programming. However, the once-a-week format can be implemented throughout the year as meeting times can occur after school, in the evening, or on the weekend.
In the final week of the program, there are usually additional sessions in order to accommodate technical and dress rehearsals. The training unfolds gradually with each week building on the previous lessons. In addition, homework and video modelling practice are also used in order to maintain skills between sessions.
The SENSE Theatre camp model is based on a massed practice approach in which the children meet every weekday for approximately 4 hours each day over a 2-week period of time. Usually this program is only possible over school holidays when most children are out of school and are able to meet for several hours a day. The same exercises occur as in the 10-week model; however, they unfold much more rapidly.